

 As the biotechnology industry has become a key development projects, the demand for biotechnical professional increased. Tze Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology (TCFST) guided by Hosted, the Science Park Administration and sponsored, The Institute of Biotechnology, National Tsing-hua University; Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan and Scandinavian Health Ltd, Taiwan Branch launch “Prospect for regulatory of Bio-tech-medicine and Medical devices” in June 1, 2010. Conference invited three biopharmaceutical and medical devices experts to share their professional knowledge with regulatory and future trends. The number of attendance is 105, and over 55% of attendee came from bio-tech-medicine and medical devices industry.By exchanging, to help Industry understanding of biotech and medical device development in Taiwan and promoting Rapid development of biomedical industry, in order to strengthen international competitiveness of biomedical, biotech and medical devices and technology products and to construct the international regulatory environment that promote the quality level of legal professionals in enterprise and increase the visibility and influence in global market, to lead biotechnology industry become a benchmark in the world.



1. 廣播媒體:IC之音新聞晚報,於99/6/4晚間播出。
2. 平面報導:於990608經濟日報A22版刊出