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【選擇Regulatory Affairs Certificate Course課程之效益為何?】
※ 由具備全球醫療器材/製藥法規實務經驗之專家開發課程,帶您直接走進法規核心
※ 自訂進度的彈性學習方式,讓您突破時間空間限制,學習更具成效!
※ 彈性選課機制,可依個人專業需求選配
※ 通過線上測驗可獲得RAPS總會頒發之證書
【Regulatory Affairs Certificate Course課程有幾種選擇?】
RAC Program課程有3種:
Regulatory Affairs Certificate: Medical Devices
Regulatory Affairs Certificate: Pharmaceuticals
Regulatory Affairs Certificate: Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals (Dual)

【如何報名Regulatory Affairs Certificate Course課程並獲得證書?】

【Regulatory Affairs Certificate Course 與 RAC證照的差異?】

The RAC is a professional certification: A formal recognition by an established and credible professional organization that an individual has demonstrated proficiency, and comprehension of, an indentified body of knowledge.

To earn a RAC, you must demonstrate competency by passing an exam, administrated by accredited third-party testing provider. Neither the RAC Program nor RAPS requires you to take specific training courses as a condition of awarding the RAC credential; it is based solely on your exam performance.

What the RAC is not – A RAC is not a certificate, a document awarded for the attainment or completion of a series of courses or verification of attendance or participation in a learning event. Certificates do not have ongoing maintenance or renewal requirements and a certificate is not a precursor to certification.

The RAC Program is guided by the Regulatory Affairs Certification Board (RACB) and independent exam committees.